Thursday, March 6, 2008


Tuesday night I went to the club Headlamp Run. It was a nice, easy run in and around Manito Park, and a great opportunity to run with some new people and in a new area. My foot felt decent....not 100% by any stretch, but not so bad that it was painful or changed my gait. I'm slowly coming to the realization that without some significant time off (ie. more than 6 months???), this will just be a nagging discomfort that I'll have to deal with. In one sense, there is comfort in that, even though it is frustrating.

Last night after dinner, Andy and I went to Oz to do some swimming. I was so proud of Andy's courage to work on her swimming, because I know that it is a big-time struggle for her. Even though she is still a bit uncomfortable in the water environment, once she got going, she went right to work on some drills that I showed her, and by the end, she was doing so much better!! I'm excited to see her progress through this journey, and my hope is that I can be supportive so that she doesn't get overwhelmed or frustrated, and eventually gains the confidence to get out there and do another race! Good job, Andy! :)


Andy said...

Ahhh, thanks Timmy. Your support means a lot to me. You are a fantastic coach. :)

jessithompson said...

You are so supportive to everyone you're around. I guarantee that Andy was appreciative of the help.

It was fun havin' an easy run together on Tuesday night as well as the social time afterwards, great crew!

Tiffany said...

I'm so happy everyone thought that run was a "nice, easy" one! I was dying! Nice to have you all to try and keep up with though!

As for the foot, maybe you should take a break from running half marathons too? Just a suggestion...:)