Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I always feel a little off for a few days after I get back from a road trip, but today I really felt a profound sense of disconnected-ness. Not only is the house still trashed from unpacking the car after the weekend, but today I read thru some of my friends' blogs recapping their weekend of training and racing. As much fun as the wedding was and being able to hang out with Andy's family, I would be lying if I said that I didn't feel a little sad at missing out on the weekend here in Spokane and Lewiston. There was a huge group from the club that braved the snowstorm and went down to do the first tri of the season in Lewiston, and even though the weather wasn't ideal, it looked like they had a ton of fun. I wished I was there, except for the weather :) My A+ teammates Jessi and Tiffany both had amazing races!

Then Sunday, it looked like it was another great club swim. The fact that I had such a crappy weekend swim on Saturday made missing my regular Sunday swim even harder to take. And then I saw that Jessi, Tiffany and Steve (aka the "flip turn crew") got together for an indoor ride Sunday afternoon. It looked like a ton of fun, and one of those workouts that was right up my alley.

All in all, it was a fun weekend, but a hard one because I had my two families pulling me in different directions. Of course my sister-in-law's wedding had to win out, but I am now really motivated to re-connect with my training buddies soon and get back into the swing of things.

To help the process, tonight after work I went out for an easy 10k outside. With no headlamp. And shorts on! A very significant event, as I had enough daylight to make it 6 miles. After work. Outside. Sweet!!! My goal was to go easy, and not push my foot too much, and I accomplished an easy RPE workout and still managed to average 7:35s. Seeing how my running has been so sporadic this winter, it sort of turned in to a mini "breakout" workout. I felt good, my HR was way down, and I still was way under 8s. Now I am hoping against hope that the weather continues to improve quickly, so I don't even have to think about it and plan around it when I'm scheduling my workouts.

82 days and counting until IM CDA......


Tiffany said...

The good news is that because of the club, you have motivation to jump right back into everything! It's hard to look at the gallery and see the fun people had and to know that you weren't there. But, on the other hand, it sounds like you had a pretty great weekend and time spent with family at occasions like that are priceless. There will be plenty more group workouts and races, but only one wedding, right?

82 days until I'm screamin' at the top of my lungs for my A+ buddy! :) Can't wait!

jessithompson said...

WE MISSED YOU A+!!! It just wasn't the same without you there, but on a bright note... it's always good to be the kind of person that when you're gone, there's a bit of a whole there. Looking forward to more workouts together soon and glad that you had a great time at the wedding. Nice run, I'm jealous. When I run that fast, my heart is about to explode ;)

Steve said...

We missed ya man. It would have been fun to try and chase you down but after hearing about your easy 7:30's I am not sure it could have been done. The weeks workouts will be awesome.
